Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Time: Affordable Active Games!

I previously wrote a blog about physical education teachers promoting active games over sedentary video game play as potential Christmas presents for children. I would like to simply extend that post and suggest just a few specific active games that are affordable, feasible, and easy to use:

Dance Dance Revolution - Multiple webistes provide multiple a variety of games and pads to fit your financial desire.
Nintento Wii Games - Sports, Resorts, Fit, etc...
Microsoft Kinect
Gamercize Steppers - compatible with multiple video game consoles (PS3, XBox 360, Nintendo Wii)
Virtual Bikes - A variety of video game bikes that offer residential pricing.
Xavix games - boxing, jackie chan, tennis

As quality physical education teachers - we need to make sure we are promoting healthy alternatives to the sedentary lifestyles in which many of our children are engaging in everyday.Suggest active games - not the traditional sedentary game! Inform parents, administration, and other teachers. It is a simply solution to replace sedentary screen time with more active play.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was always quick to blame video games on sedentary lifestyles. However, we purchased the Nintendo Wii shortly after the Holidays, with the Resorts Sports, and I have been pleasantly surprised at the amount of activity our daughter is getting by using it. Compared to sitting on the couch watching the same same Spongebob episodes, I much prefer her being on the Wii. I'm looking forward to purchasing more games that require even more activity.