Sunday, December 19, 2010

Active Gaming in Yahoo!News

Recently, Yahoo!News produced a nice article and video regarding active gaming and physical education. I really enjoyed this article and video because active gaming and traditional physical activity were not compared as one being "good" or "bad". Often, the media produces articles leading the reader to be persuaded that either active gaming is the "new pe" or that the "old pe" (more traditional play) is still the best strategy for physical education teachers to employ and video games are the enemy to this generation. What is hard for many to understand is that a key to appropriately implementing active gaming in physical education is to use these modern activities as a tool to assist students in accomplishing learning objectives. Active gaming is aligned with what our children desire and enjoy; however, these technologies should never be seen as a replacement for fitness and skill development.

Dominique Dawes, a former U.S Olympic gymnast, joined Yahoo!News and myself at one of the USF active gaming research labs located in a local elementary school. Dominique had a blast learning about active gaming and playing with the students. Once she was able to experience the games, hear and see the students' excitement, and witness her own heart rate being quickly elevated while playing, Dominique began to understand why active gaming can certainly be an appropriate tool for physical education teachers to use in their programs. Read the full article here.

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